Books by Willis Fletcher Johnson (1857-1931)

Colonel Henry Ludington: A Memoir

History of the Johnstown Flood: Including all the Fearful Record; the Breaking of the South Fork Dam; the Sweeping Out of the Conemaugh Valley; the Over-Throw of Johnstown; the Massing of the Wreck at the Railroad Bridge; Escapes, Rescues, Searches for Survivors and the Dead; Relief Organizations, Stupendous Charities, etc., etc., With Full Accounts also of the Destruction on the Susquehanna and Juniata Rivers, and the Bald Eagle Creek.

Life of Wm. Tecumseh Sherman.: Late Retired General. U. S. A.

"My country, 'tis of thee!": Or, the United States of America; past, present and future. A philosophic view of American history and of our present status, to be seen in the Columbian exhibition.

The History of Cuba, vol. 1

The History of Cuba, vol. 2

The History of Cuba, vol. 3

The History of Cuba, vol. 4

The History of Cuba, vol. 5