Books by Frank Gee Patchin (1861-1925)

The Battleship Boys at Sea; Or, Two Apprentices in Uncle Sam's Navy

The Battleship Boys' First Step Upward; Or, Winning Their Grades as Petty Officers

The Battleship Boys in Foreign Service; or, Earning New Ratings in European Seas

The Pony Rider Boys in Alaska; Or, The Gold Diggers of Taku Pass

The Pony Rider Boys in Louisiana; or, Following the Game Trails in the Canebrake

The Pony Rider Boys in New England; or, An Exciting Quest in the Maine Wilderness

The Pony Rider Boys in New Mexico; Or, The End of the Silver Trail

The Pony Rider Boys in Texas; Or, The Veiled Riddle of the Plains

The Pony Rider Boys in the Alkali; Or, Finding a Key to the Desert Maze

The Pony Rider Boys on the Blue Ridge; or, A Lucky Find in the Carolina Mountains